Acting on behalf of North West Ambulance Service we have been instructed to sell the facility at Hindpoool Rd, Barrow.

The subject property comprises a 2 storey building constructed in the 1970’s,  extends to 0.262 Ha (0.648 acres) and consists of a former Ambulance station at Ground level with The Atkinsons Health Centre at first floor level.

The ground levels accessed from Hindpool Rd and has a pedestrian access and 11 manually operated loading doors. Internally the property provides garage space, offices of a basis specification, a lounge area and kitchen. The garage space has concrete floors, painted brick elevations and strip florescent lighting. The offices and lounge have suspended tiled ceiling and benefit from double glazing.

The upper floor was previously occupied by the NHS and is accessed off Market Street. Internally it provides waiting areas and treatment rooms.

The site presents an opportunity to secure planning permission for a broad range of uses.

The development plan for the site comprises the Barrow Local Plan (2016 – 2031). The previously developed site is located wholly within the Barrow town centre boundary and is not subject to any other site specific allocations or designations. Policies are supportive of town centre uses
which will help to maintain and strengthen the vitality of Barrow town centre. Retail development (including warehouse clubs and factory outlet centres); hotels, cinema, restaurant, drive-through, casino, health and fitness centre, bowling centre and offices would all be acceptable in principle
subject to demonstrating compliance with the relevant technical policies within the development plan.

Residential development (particularly on upper floors)could also be considered in principle. Sustainably located, the site has excellent links to public transport, employment, retail and community services within Barrow Town Centre.

It lies in close proximity to Ashall developments Hotel Scheme which has recently been developed for a 127 bed Holiday Inn Express, to the rear of the subject premises

We understand the site is not listed and is not situated within a designated Conservation Area.

  • Freehold site
  • Central location
  • Immediately Available
  • Suitable for a series of uses subject to planning

For further information see below or contact