Following a comprehensive refurbishment Glenbrook have secured 2 further lettings at Pacific Rd Bootle.
Units B & C have been let on new 5 year Fri lease terms to Hermes and Nect Services. Each of the units extends to 6.700 sqft respectively.

The investment in this speculative refurbishment programme, and the successful letting of the units and earlier sale of unit A to Vulcan Engineering demonstrate how the Northern Liverpool Dock area is evolving.
There are wider macro economic reasons for the current industrial demand but at a local level specific projects including Ten Streets, Superport & Everton FC relocation to Bramley Moore Dock are having a significant a significant impact on the immediate hinterland.

Advice during Covid – 19 We know the current pandemic presents unique challenges for business and real estate issues.
In these testing times we can help – whether that be to sell, lease; relocate your operations or assist in landlord and tenant discussions