Intersting and timely article from Logistics manager.

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After the polls closed, it was announced that Labour had been elected for the UK government, with a majority of 326 seats.

Reacting to the news, Labour leader Keir Starmer said: “We did it! Change begins now”.

As we look ahead at the months and years to come, Logistics Manager gives a reminder of the policies shared in the Labour manifesto and how it could impact supply chains in the UK.

Economy, security and trade

  • Improving the UK’s trade and investment relationship with the EU by ‘tearing down unnecessary barriers to trade’
  • Negotiating a veterinary agreement to prevent unnecessary border checks and help tackle the cost of food
  • Ensuring a strong defence sector and resilient supply chains across the whole of the UK by ‘establishing long-term partnerships between business and government’
  • Investing £2.5 billion to ‘rebuild’ the nation’s steel industry
  • Ensuring AUKUS, the trilateral security partnership with Australia and the US, delivers its full economic and security potential
  • Bringing a ‘long-term and strategic approach’ to managing the UK’s relations with China
  • Striking ‘targeted trade agreements aligned with the UK’s industrial strategy and economic strengths’
  • Leading international discussions to modernise trade rules and agreements so they ‘work for Britain’, promoting deeper trade and co-operation including through the World Trade Organisation and the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership
  • Seeking a new strategic partnership with India, including a free trade agreement, and ‘deepening the UK’s co-operation with partners across the Gulf on regional security, energy and trade and investment’
  • Delivering a ‘new approach’ to trade with African countries
  • Improve resilience and preparation across central government, local authorities, local communities and emergency services

Transport and infrastructure

  • Developing a ten-year infrastructure strategy, ‘guiding investment plans and giving the private sector certainty about the project pipeline’
  • Investing £1.8bn to upgrade ports and build supply chains across the UK
  • Investing £1.5bn to build new gigafactories to support the automotive industry
  • Creating new new roads, railways, reservoirs and ‘other nationally significant infrastructure’
  • Setting out new national policy statements to ‘make major projects faster and cheaper by slashing red tape and building support for developments by ensuring communities directly benefit’
  • Updating national planning policy to ‘ensure the planning system meets the needs of a modern economy, making it easier to build laboratories, digital infrastructure and gigafactories’
  • Ensuring economic regulation ‘supports growth and investment, promotes competition, works for consumers and enables innovation’
  • Ensuring that any proposed takeover of Royal Mail is ‘robustly scrutinised’
  • Exploring new business and governance models for Royal Mail so that ‘workers and customers who rely on Royal Mail services can have a stronger voice in the governance and strategic direction of the company’
  • Fixing an additional 1 million potholes across England in each year of the next parliament, funded by deferring the A27 bypass
  • Accelerating the roll-out of EV charge points
  • Restoring the phase-out date of 2030 for new cars with internal combustion engines
  • Standardising the information supplied on the condition of EV batteries
  • Ensuring industrial strategy supports the development of the AI sector and removing planning barriers to new data centres
  • Creating a National Data Library to ‘bring together existing research programmes and help deliver data-driven public services, whilst maintaining strong safeguards and ensuring all of the public benefit’
  • Scrapping short funding cycles for key research and development institutions in favour of ten-year budgets that ‘allow meaningful partnerships with industry to keep the UK at the forefront of global innovation’
  • Creating a new Regulatory Innovation Office to ‘help regulators update regulation, speed up approval timelines and co-ordinate issues that span existing boundaries’
  • Introducing binding regulation on the companies developing the most powerful AI models
  • Deepening devolution settlements for existing Combined Authorities and widening devolution to more areas
  • Reducing waste by moving to a circular economy

Skills and employment

  • Establishing a youth guarantee of access to training, an apprenticeship or support to find work for all 18 to 21-year-olds
  • Ensuring the minimum wage is a ‘genuine liv

see full article: Labour wins the UK general election: what this could mean for logistics | Logistics Manager