Unit 25, Capitol Trading Park, Kirkby Bank Road, Knowsley Industrial Park, Knowsley, Merseyside, L33 7SY

  1,436 sq ft (133.41 sq m)

  To Let: £17,500.00 Per Annum


The property comprises of a terraced industrial / warehouse units of steel portal frame construction with concrete floors, brick & steel cladding to the elevations and insulated metal profile clad roof incorporating roof panels.

Servicing to the units is provided by an up and over loading door to the front elevation, whilst also including 3 phase electricity. The units incorporate internal offices & WC's.

The units benefit from a min. eaves height of 6 metres with loading aprons & car parking for staff & visitors. The secure site benefits from TV car recognition with 24 hour monitoring & 24/7 access.

  • 24/7 Access
  • Intersection of A580 and M57
  • 6m min. eaves height
  • Up and over loading doors
  • Integral Offices/Kitchen
  • 24 hr CCTV
  • Nearby amenities inc. Shell Garage/Greggs/Costa Coffee

Tenure Comments

The unit is available on FR&I lease terms to be agreed.

Unit 25 £17,500 pa exclusive

The Service charge is £0.45/sqft to cover site services & includes 24/7 CCTV.

Building Insurance is £0.12 sqft


Capitol Trading Park is accessed off Kirkby Bank Road on the well established Knowsley Industrial Estate, Merseyside. Knowsley Industrial Est is situated at the intersection of the East Lancs Road (A580) and the M57 motorway. The A580 leads west towards Liverpool City Centre and M57 leading north towards the M58 and then to the M62.

Energy Performance Certificate

Energy performance certificates are available on request.

Rateable Value

Rateable Value info can be sought from Knowsley B.C. Business Rates Dept. 03000 501 501.

The Service charge is £0.45/sqft to cover site services inc. 24/7 CCTV.

Building Insurance is £0.12 sqft

Further Information

Please contact the sole agents, LM6 for further information & Viewings

Legal Costs

Each party to responsible for their own costs in relation to any transaction.


VAT will be payable at the prevailing rate @ 20%.

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