Wray Street, Ince, Wigan, Lancashire, WN1 3HT

  6,491 sq ft (603.03 sq m)

  To Let: £83,500.00 Per Annum


The subject units provides a office/storage facility, extending to 6,491 sqft on a total site area of 0.95 acres

It is within a self-contained site with a dedicated yard area to the rear and would be suitable to trade warehouse uses.

The former industrial mill building of brick construction has been adapted to provide office accommodation.

A trade counter/storage area is located to the rear ground floor with access to a generous yard area of 0.62 acres

which is a combination of concrete, tarmac and stoned finish.

  • Warehouse / Storage Facility
  • Offices to Ground & First Floor
  • Yard area of 0.62 acres
  • New Lease
  • Offices may be let Separately

Tenure Comments

The unit is available on ew lease terms at a rent of £83,520 pa.

We can also accommodate smaller office requirements if required

Current Availability

Warehouse 2,701.00 sq ft250.92 sq m
Ground Floor Office1,050.00 sq ft97.54 sq m
First Floor Office2,740.00 sq ft254.55 sq m


The subject unit provides a trade unit and offices fronting Wray St, approx. 1/2mile to the East of Wigan Town

Centre in a predominantly legacy industrial/trade location.

Energy Performance Certificate

An energy performance certificate is available on request.

Rateable Value

Interested parties are requested to contact the local authority.

Further Information

Please contact the sole agents, LM6

Legal Costs

Each party to responsible for their own costs in relation to any transaction.


VAT will be payable at the prevailing rate.

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Brochure Floor Plans