Where a physical inspection or visit is required, government advice has confirmed this can now take place but must be delivered in line with government and Public Health England (PHE) social distancing guidelines.

The purpose of this practical guidance is to enable LM6 to deliver services to clients safely, consistently and in line with RICS & UK government guidelines.

A full copy of the guidance can be seen:


This RICS document builds on government guidelines and focuses on inspections and visits where RICS members need to come into contact with people and enter non-domestic properties. It applies to development sites, buildings under constructions and in-use buildings.

As the situation and guidance in this area is constantly evolving, we will update this information regularly.

In the interim we draw your attention to:

Recommendations before occupier viewings

• consider health and safety aspects and any relevant current government advice in relation to travelling to the property, accessing the property, carrying out an inspection and delivering the service

•  avoid physical contact and ensure compliance to existing social distancing measures

• adhere to PHE guidelines on cleaning hands thoroughly prior to and upon leaving the property

• comply with current PHE guidelines on any suitable PPE/ face covering to be used prior to entering the property

• aim for as minimal an amount of contact with surfaces when inspecting elements of the property as

Recommendations before we inspect or visit

If asked to inspect a site or building we will:

  • Minimise physical contact when accessing the property
  • Ask you to send us as much information as possible  prior to the visit and as part of the pre-inspection research, including property use, occupancy, location, potential risk to occupiers and any other relevant information required for the subject property and instruction.
  • Expect you to verify whether anyone falls within a vulnerable group, has or has had COVID-19 symptoms, and has not yet completed the required period of household self isolation, or is awaiting test results
  • Take all reasonable steps to ensure the client and property occupier is provided with as much information as possible about the visit and service in advance and ensure the service arrangements are agreed by all parties prior to the physical inspection
  • Request that the occupiers/client/ building manager to prepare for the inspection and share the following recommendations. Please note this is not exhaustive list:

− when occupiers are present in the premises, they should maintain social distancing in line with government guidelines

− ask the client/occupier/building manager to ensure all areas relevant to the service delivered are open or easily accessible (e.g. plant rooms, fire escapes, cellars, lofts, doors, window) to reduce contact with surfaces as much as possible

− advise client/occupier/building manager the property will be left as presented/found at arrival

− advise site host to ensure coordination of COVID-19 secure certificates for each area/ premises.

It would also help if the occupier, where appropriate advises us on the questions below:

✓ Is the subject property open to access?
✓ What social distancing measures will be required for the subject property?
✓ What PPE is mandatory for the subject property?
✓ Are toilet facilities present and are they available for use?
✓ Are there any inaccessible areas or areas of heightened sensitivity?
✓ Can you share documents electronically to minimise physical contact?
✓ Is the property occupied?
✓ Are you aware of any issues in the property? If yes, please specify where

The full guidelines can be accessed below
